As humans evolve, they begin to see that they are not the only conscious beings inhabiting this beautiful planet earth. They become aware that each and every form has intent and meaning to the whole and the survival of all. Nature has played a huge part in this awakening for humans to see that Nature has provided every thing necessary for the survival of man, such as clothing, food and shelter. One must begin to surmise that there is indeed a greater force going on here than meets the eye so to speak.
As humankind awakens to this awareness, a grater affinity arises to be out in the world of Nature be it parks, a home garden, traversing the highest mountains or crossing the vast ocean. There is a peace that comes from these activities that is often beyond comprehension of the logical mind. Never the less they are pursued with great joy.
And then there are those of you who love to talk to us and we want you to know that we hear every word and are extremely eager for you to know that we would love to answer you and assist you with everything human and divine. For that is our purpose. Have we not provided you with all the physical necessities of life? Why then would we deny you the gift of our wisdom beyond the physical? This is the wisdom that allows peace and harmony to enter your sphere.
The qualities that we have held over the eons of time that open you to the oneness of all beings, the dimension of all that is, peace, love, acceptance,e patience, less is more and many other aspect can bring great relief into your life. This we do with great pleasure and would like to extend our invitation to you to open to us spirit to spirit. for that how we shall communicate and that is how we shall be able to guide you to the peace and harmony that you so desire.
Know that this is an easier process than you can imagine. for imagination is one of your most intuitive skills although it is not recognized as such. We are more that ready to make ourselves know to you and to have on going dialogues with you so that we may learn to co-create and co-habit this beautiful planet with full awareness of each other and the flourishing of both may go on beyond being. There is much to share.
And we look forward to being with you again.