It has been quite awhile since I have visited this blog. I have been writing on my www.magicgardening.blogsot.com since last fall when I moved and started my very own Magic Garden. At least it seemed like it to me because I was growing outrageous veggies in December like never before. Also, at that time a friend of mine wanted to include my writings on her site and she wanted a ‘health tip’ article. That began a series of articles that came from my experiences in the Magic Garden along with what I had learned from Hawaiian healing herb classes I had taken and employed in my life with good success.
Also, at my new place, I was able to grow in profusion many of the flowers that are characters in my children’s book; Ask Althea. It has given me time to reflect on their personalities and why I cast them as such. In particular I think of the Sunflower, supposedly, the bringer of smiley faces everywhere. Why did I make ‘him’ the grumpy devils’ advocate? Perhaps those with the biggest hearts hide behind serious faces so as not to hurt those big hearts. I see my sunflower go from shinning bright erect head reaching for the sky, to head hanging low under the weight of it all looking at the ground. Well, rather than guess about these things, I think it would be wise to ask Sunny’s Spirit what ‘he’ thinks.
Aloha Marissa this is Sunny,
And I am glad you asked me abut these things that seem to be so blatant in my physical characteristics. But you see that is merely the human view as you said. From my perspective I open myself to the Sun from which I am named so as to produce those seeds that seem to weigh me down. But in plant life seeds are our way to insure that we go on so it is not a burden to bend for them to grow. But the important thing is that it makes it hard for birds to come and feast on my seeds if I am in that position. As for your book, I was very happy to play the gruff one who later is the catalyst for the unfolding of the little boy’s spiritual growth. He needed to know that we care. That was the sentiment that shifted him out of his anger and into compassion or caring for others as well.
Thank you, Sunny.
I can see that no bird could perch and feast in that position. Good point. I, on the other hand, plan to gather as many seeds a possible for future planting, hoping I will have better yields than the many packs I bought and planted with no luck. What’s up with that?
It’s called LOVE Marissa.
As you know and have written about ‘seeds will do anything for love’ (see your very first blog spot). You have given us much love and attention, so, of course, we will grow for you in abundance. You will especially want to collect my seeds as I am the first to grow and be with you in full force. It took a while to convince the others and consequently their seeds will not be as strong but they will not go to waste. Some will reseed and some will cross pollinate and some will try again. You could have fun with them.
Thank you. I will take note and let them all go to seed now that I know this is a big part of your growth cycle. Shall I plant the new seed just underneath and all around you?
Because you live in such a mild climate that is an option but you see we still have our genetically entrenched cycles so it will have to be an ‘experiment’, as you love to say.
Ok, I get it. It will have to be an ‘experiment’, and, I will hold some back to be planted in the spring.
That would be nice.
And we look forward to being with you again soon.
Thank you so much for those wonderful insights and for your fabulous presence in our garden this year. I see how your bigness and broad perspective helped everyone to unleash the LOVE from within. And I look forward to many more seasons, ‘experiments’ and being with YOU again soon.
Many blessing,
Much love,