Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What is the Attunement Process?

It is through the attunement process that you will be able to easily open and communicate with the plant spirits. The attunement creates a pathway for the energy of the plant spirit to enter your heart. Once this pathway is opened, communication between you and the plant spirit will begin to flow. You will be surprised at how easily this opening will happen for you. You would not be guided here if the plant spirits were not already aware of your readiness to experience a closer relationship with them. As you open to the subtle dimensions you will learn to trust your intuition and the guidance you are receiving. There is much love, comfort and wisdom to share.

Many blessings,

1 comment:

  1. I want to have confidence to take my next step to be an Ambassador of Love, and I really want my physical body to recuperate! So if that is what is causing this Please help me gain that confidence I need.
    The attunement does open your heart, I did feel that very powerfully. When the plant spirits want to, I welcome their help, ayuda me por favor.
